October 2014
Musings: Deep in thought; contemplative, rumination, reflexion, pondering, study, “an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections” (James Atlas).
Calliope – Muse of ‘Beautiful Speech’ – the chief of the muses – muse of epic poetry
Welcome to our second muse. Our call in dates are:
- Tuesday October 14, Group 1 is the call that originates in California at 11 a.m. and
Group 2 is the call that originates in California at 5 p.m. You will receive your information prior to the call.
Various countries change their times at different dates therefore, if you live outside of the USA/Canada, please look to see when your country will change it’s time: http://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/events.html
8 am Hawaii
11 am Pacific Time and AZ
12 noon – Mountain Time
1 pm – Central Time
2 pm – Eastern Time
3 pm Canada Atlantic
3:30 pm Newfoundland
7 pm Ireland/UK
8 pm NL/France/Italy/Denmark/Norway/GermanyGroup 2 – USA, South America, Australia and Canada:
Call times:2 pm – Hawaii
5 pm – Pacific & AZ
6 pm – Mountain
7 pm – Central
8 pm – Eastern
9 pm – Canada AtlanticThe following times are questionable depending on when your country changes it’s daylight savings time. Please check the above time and date link for more clarification.
Hong Kong 8 am Wednesday morning
Phillipines (Manila area) 8 am Wednesday morning
Western Australia 8 am Wednesday morning
Japan 9 am Wednesday morning
Tazmania 10 am Wednesday morning
NSW Australia 10 am Wednesday morning
Victoria 10 am Wednesday morning
New Zealand (Auckland time) 12 noon Wednesday
Note: These times have been set up for various time zones internationally. We will be discussing insights to components from TA on our call on the 14th. Please self-explore what your script might be and how it developed.
1. Our second Muse, Calliope, who represents beautiful speech will focus on the understanding of how to best tailor your words for individuals. In the study of Transactional Analysis, we learn about the development of individuals. We learn what their script is in life, how they get their “power”, how they have problems rising above their trials in life, and how they interact with others. Not only do we learn this about others, but we learn about ourselves through these lectures.
You have a CHOICE in your method of studying Transactional Analysis.
1. There are many segments to the streamed videos by Dr. James Peterson and his wife Neysa. This was a week long course and we have taken the 14 hours of video footage and reduced it to about 7-8 hours. You will want to pace yourself accordingly. Please watch the videos in their sections. We have had to break the videos every some 30 minutes (give or take) and sometimes the next part is a follow-up to the previous and would not make sense if you were pulling it up for the first video to watch. We have listed the Sections and their running times are about 30 mins each.
2. You may order the book TA:Today by Ian Stewart and Vann Joines. You are likely to find it in your own language. [The T.A. Today book is called in French «Manuel d’analyse transactionnelle» (STEWART Ian et JOINES Vann, Inter Edition, 2° éd. 2005, ISBN 2-7296-0237-2).] Please refer to the worksheet in the Lesson Bundle for developing your SCRIPT with Injunctions and Counter-injunctions. Please consider this book for one of your optional reading books. You can find used copies on Amazon.com. SEE LINKS BELOW WHERE To ORDER THE BOOK IN YOUR LANGUAGE.
If you choose to watch the videos, they may be one of the most enlightening series of videos in your life. They do not move fast, therefore, make a nice cup of tea and settle in and really participate as if you are sitting in the class. Do the exercises along with the group and have your print-outs from the LESSON BUNDLE at hand so you can read along when the video indicates to do so. The papers you will need will be listed under that particular Section and Part and will be denoted by S1P1 – Section 1, Part 1 on the title and then followed by the number of pages needed for that section.
You will notice there are cuts and splices along the way. Many times, the class would get off onto a discussion that either was too low in volume to be heard or was not necessary to include in the footage. Know that even though there are cuts and splices, we have kept the important material.
We will be doing exercises in our on-class conference call. You will find a final personal worksheet for your own Scripts, Injunctions and Counterinjunctions in the LESSON BUNDLE. This is a different reflection than the open book quiz we did in the September Muse. This worksheet will lead to your reflections in your paper due on January 1st. Keep track of the key points that brought ah-ha’s to you about your own development and what drives your life and interactions with others. Understanding ourselves first will help us to better understand others and develop an enabling language to help them be all that they can be.
2. For your homework assignments, please read the following:
Pages 127-148 on Rudolf Steiner, Temperaments, Self Knowledge and Transactional Analysis -The Harp Player – Psychology on in the Harp Therapy Manual – Cradle of Sound I have previously given you this chapter as we wait for our re-printed textbooks to arrive. All books should be in around the first week of October so if you want to go ahead and order your books, you can do so now at this LINK
3. Our music development for this month focuses on the Dorian mode. The Dorian mode starts on the second degree of our given key of music. ( i.e. Key of C, Dorian starts on D; Key of F, Dorian starts on G; Key of A, Dorian starts on B; Key of E, Dorian starts of F# etc.) Dorian is a minor mode and it has a grounding feeling. Please work on the Chanter (in the CH SUPPORT papers) and Scarborough Faire (click HERE for a copy of the melody) and choose one of those pieces to record and then segue into an improvisation utilizing at least 2 different left hand patterns from your Creative Harping at home DVD study.
Remember these tips: If the left hand is busy, keep the right hand sparse; if the right hand is busy, keep the left hand sparse. Play as if you were playing for someone who needed grounding. (If you have previously recorded this for your mentor and played it as if someone was in the dying stage, that is fine and will be accepted). Usually, however, we would not play much in the Dorian mode for those in the dying stages. It is too grounded and will hold people back. Play expressively. And remember, it may sound crazy – this is for many, the first time on improvising. The main thing you are learning here is to let go with that right hand and let it wander without looking at it. Eventually, you will start ‘HEARING’ your root note – which is D (in the key of C). You will then ‘HEAR’ that you can also land on the F and A (part of the basic D triad chord). You will alsl HEAR that the B should be used sparsely as that is the strange sounding note but yet gives it the reason for being Dorian. But, if you look at your right hand, then you will be further away from playing by ear. So, take the advice from the TA study and let yourself go and get rid of the BE PERFECT script. You are in a family of caring people, your mentor and your classmates, where you are safe to explore. Let that CHILD explore as you begin to step into a new realm of harp playing!
Our next call is Tuesday October 14, and you should try to have your Dorian mode uploaded by October 20th under MUSIC DOWNLOADS on your USER ACCOUNT. Your mentor will evaluate your recording after that date and send you your evaluation for your Portfolio. The code for your SUPPORT PAPERS for the Dorian Mode DVD is 02DO. Go HERE to enter your code for the papers if you do not already have the Creative Harping Support papers. Please do try to make this call as it is a very important call. Also, should anyone find that they are uncovering things through this month’s study and you need someone to discuss anything that may be troubling you, please contact Christina and she will put you in touch with our counselor.
THE DORIANS – Recently I took a trip to Greece and Istanbul. I was very excited to travel to the places where the Ancient Greek Tribes inhabited the lands so that I could get a feel for the history of the music as it developed in these places. I am going to post 3 pictures here. The first is from your packet of papers for the Introduction to the modes papers – the last page. This shows the migration of the Greek Tribes. The second picture is a map of ancient Greece but I have mapped out the route we travelled on the ship so that I could be sure to get pictures of the lands of the different tribes. The third picture was hard to choose as there were so many but some how, this picture shows the Dorian lands and then shows some of the new development on these islands. It was a thrilling trip for me! CRT (You can click on the pictures to enlarge them in another window).
Please watch the video below entitled: Your Portfolio. This will show you three different portfolios that have been designed and submitted. I’m please to say we have a library of exceptional portoflios in the IHTP offices and each one is a work of art. If you come to the OPEN HOUSE at the Harp Chalet prior to the IHTP International Conference in San Diego, March 13-15, you will be able to see all the beautiful portfolios. You will be making two portfolios – one for our office as proof of your work for the National Standards Board for Therapeutic Musicians with whom we are accredited and one for yourself to show to your potential employer. International students can do their portfolio in their own language.
Here is a list of things that go in the Portfolio:
- Book Reports
- The three papers (due on Jan. 15, June 15 and after your ESM)
- Your Quizzes
- Your Creative Harping DVD Evaluations
- Your Internship Information: Proposal, Supervisor Information, Personal Evaluation, Supervisor Evaluation, Supervisor Checklists, Journal Case Study Entries, Time Log,
- Signed Code of Ethics Statement
- Additional certificates, pictures, news articles and any information that you feel will be of interest for a potential employer to know about you.
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5. This month we are working on the Dorian mode. Now is a great time to start collecting many pieces of music that you can find in the Dorian Mode! It will be great to have a list of songs in this mode from which to choose.
6. If you have questions, please use our CONTACT FORM to be in touch and we will assist you. Remember to always look at the Troubleshooting FAQ’s
As you watch the videos, please keep track of any questions that you might have. We will be doing exercises and having discussions regarding Transactional Analysis on our next call. For International students who are a bit overwhelmed with the language and subject material, let me suggest that you comprehend what you can and then go on-line and try to get the TA Today book by Stewart and Joine in your language: Japanese, Chinese, German, Danish, French, Korean, Spanish, Swedish, Italian, Flemish or Dutch (others in Dutch1,). You can search for more Transactional Analysis related books by authors, Eric Berne, Muriel James, Stewart and Joine at www.WorldCat.org. You will be writing your papers in your own language so do the best to understand what you can from the English presentations.
There are about 8 hours total of viewing time. When you open your papers, they will be in the order that you will be watching the Video Streams. Under each Stream, it will tell you which papers to have in front of you. You may want to hole punch them and keep them in your binder.
Here is your Lesson Bundle here – Download TA-SupportPapers1-6
After you have viewed/studied the videos and filled out the appropriate exercises, please hold onto your papers until we meet on our conference call. No papers will be submitted to the mentors this month – just your Dorian music and any book reports that you have finished.
PLEASE NOTE – this is what we will be asking for in your February paper over the next 3 months.
Your first Paper is due February 1, 2015. What is due in the paper?
1. We are looking for your reflections of how the TA study brought about awareness of how you operate in the world – i.e., how you have learned to obtain your power, interact with others – how your family constellation and atmosphere contributed to your development. (See Section 6 Part 19 for the personal questions that you will use for your reflections in the paper).
2. We are looking for your insights on what appears to be your main mode of interaction – be it visual, auditory or kinesthetic and if you were previously aware of it. How has this worked in your relationships.
3. We are looking for your comments on how empathic listening skills have helped in your dealings with people since you have become more aware of other people’s scripts. What kind of situations have you run into since this has come more to your attention. What has happened with you ‘match’ people or ‘entrain’ with people – or further – when they have ‘entrained’ with you?
4. We are looking to your discoveries about cymatics and how the macrocosm of sound and vibrations give you pause to wonder about the inter-relatedness to the microcosm of our bodies. How ‘spirit’ can guide us and learning to put TRUST into action.
5. We are looking to hear about some major ah-ha’s about the above processes and how they are now affecting your music-making process. Discuss the discoveries you are making about yourself in reference to your journey on becoming a certified therapeutic harp practitioner.
The paper should be at least 3-4 typewritten pages but can be longer. This is a third of the way into the program of taking a look at how your awareness is serving you. Notice in your writings if you become apologetic – if so, look to see where that comes from, or if you have put the paper off until the very end and feel the pressure to hurry through the process. Where does that come from? Or if you feel like this is overwhelming and you are putting pressure upon yourself to try to make it perfect or worried that your mentor is going to judge you. Look to where the process of becoming aware is holding you back.
At the same time, look at the places where you have found new positive confidences – that taking the music step by step is not really hard at all. That it is all a process and it has been broken down in incremental steps for you.
Therefore, while observing these developmental steps in your awareness, be sure to include information that has been new to you. Most of all, don’t stress about this!
And don’t forget to CHAT with your classmates!
MAY I SUGGEST AN HONOR CODE? In the International Harp Therapy Program we will be sharing a wide spectrum of information, some of which will be new research and other information might come from the personal lives of many of you in the program. I would like to ask that we maintain an honor code in which we do not email any of the pages, lessons, recordings or DVDs to any personal friends or associates. This is copyrighted material and disseminating the material is a breech of integrity and law. Thank you. CRT