January 2015
Melpomene – (Greek: “beautiful singing”) in Greek religion, one of the nine Muses, initially the Muse of Singing, she then became the muse of tragedy, despite her jous singing.
Musings: Deep in thought; contemplative, rumination, reflexion, pondering, study, “an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections” (James Atlas). |
Our call in dates are:
- Group 1 NOTE CHANGE IN GROUP 1 Call – Wed. instead of Tues.
Wednesday. January 14, 2015 – the call that originates in California at 11 a.m. and
Group 2 is the call that originates in California at 5 p.m. You will receive your information prior to the call.Our International students have been finding that they are missing the time of the calls by an hour. Please determine the time based on the above information and going to this site: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzcThese are the times that I have researched but your city may not be in these time zones. - Group 1 – Times:
- 11 am Pacific Time
12 noon – Mountain Time (inc. AZ)
1 pm – Central Time
2 pm – Eastern Time
3 pm Canada Atlantic
3:30 pm Newfoundland
7 pm Ireland/UK/Portugal
8 pm NL/France/Italy/Denmark/Norway/Germany - Group 2
Tuesday, January 13 and the 14th for Asia and AU – Times:
5 pm – Pacific
6 pm – Mountain (inc. AZ)
7 pm – Central
8 pm – Eastern
9 pm – Canada Atlantic
9:30 pm – Newfoundland
Hong Kong 9 am Wednesday morning Jan. 14
Japan 10 am Wednesday morning Jan. 14
Tazmania 12 noon Wednesday Jan. 14
Victoria 12 noon Wednesday Jan. 14
Your first Paper is due February 1, 2014. What is due in the paper?
1. We are looking for your reflections of how the TA study brought about awareness of how you operate in the world – i.e., how you have learned to obtain your power, interact with others – how your family constellation and atmosphere contributed to your development.
2. We are looking for your insights on what appears to be your main mode of interaction – be it visual, auditory or kinesthetic and if you were previously aware of it. How has this worked in your relationships.
3. We are looking for your comments on how empathic listening skills have helped in your dealings with people since you have become more aware of other people’s scripts. What kind of situations have you run into since this has come more to your attention. What has happened with you ‘match’ people or ‘entrain’ with people – or further – when they have ‘entrained’ with you?
4. We are looking to your discoveries about cymatics and how the macrocosm of sound and vibrations give you pause to wonder about the inter-relatedness to the microcosm of our bodies. How ‘spirit’ can guide us and learning to put TRUST into action.
5. We are looking to hear about some major ah-ha’s about the above processes and how they are now affecting your music-making process. Discuss the discoveries you are making about yourself in reference to your journey on becoming a certified therapeutic harp practitioner.
The paper should be at least 3-4 typewritten pages but can be longer. This is a third of the way into the program of taking a look at how your awareness is serving you. Notice in your writings if you become apologetic – if so, look to see where that comes from, or if you have put the paper off til the very end and feel the pressure to hurry through the process. Where does that come from? Or if you feel like this is overwhelming and you are putting pressure upon yourself to try to make it perfect or worried that your mentor is going to judge you. Look to where the process of becoming aware is holding you back.
At the same time, look at the places where you have found new positive confidences – that taking the music step by step is not really hard at all. That it is all a process and it has been broken down in incremental steps for you.
Therefore, while observing these developmental steps in your awareness, be sure to include information that has been new to you. Most of all, don’t stress about this!
JANUARY QUIZ – doc. format
JANUARY QUIZ – pdf. format
You will find the answers in the references within the quiz. Please plan to have your quiz submitted to you mentor by January 15th so that they can view on the 20th.
Here are the people that I know are planning to take Level 2 in San Diego:
Marilyn Sheckter
Leila Scovil
Diane Tapp
Ginny Oman
Denise McKenzie +Internship? March 23-26?
Ryan Villamor +Internship? March 23-26?
Lau Suet Ting +Internship? March 23-26?
Hana Halverson
Larisa Smirnova
Kathleen Frome
Joy Indomenico SD or FL?
Elithe Kahn
Kathy Kasley
Bernice Mussallem
Heather Narducci
Rachel Smith
Martha Waldvogel
Kathleen Walsh
The following two people are taking the Level 1 now – have already taken the Level 2 and are signing up for the Level 2 Refresher on March 16-18.
Jennifer Reed
Liesbeth Schoen
We will be returning to Tampa, Florida where we have had a great class in the past and some wonderful places to do the experiential part of the program. People are weighing in for the winter of 2015/2016 between mid-Jan to mid-March. I would appreciate to hear from anyone who might be interested in a Florida venue if they would write to me to tell me dates that would work best for them so I can put that into the consideration.
Those who have expressed interest in Tampa in the future
Libby Guillory
Linda Hammond
Martha O’Herir
Eden McInturff
Joy Indomenico
Terry Harper
Karen Unger
Leslie Searles
Emilie Delorme-Newsom
LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2 in Heythuysen, NL July 3-11, 2015
Those interested
Dominique Badrau
Geke Blanken
Lisa Joosetn
Sophie Van Dijk
Marie Wabnitz – Refresher
Inez Barth – (Level 1)
LEVEL 2 in Australia – March/April 2016
Those interested
Ella Scott – Refresher
Shirley Allott – Refresher
Kerryn Viner – Refresher
Ruth Shepherd – Refresher
Helen Punch
Carol Booth
Karen Huckle – Refresher? (Refreshers count toward needed CEUs for graduates)
Charmaine Li?
Christina Tan?
Vimukti Warr – Refresher?
Ilona Weir
Gwynna Whiteowl – Refresher
There is a huge collection of articles plus bibliographies in these PDFs. You will not have to print all of them out. You might want to create an electronic file and save them in the file so that you can refer to them – especially all the bibliographies and resources. These will be very valuable to you when people ask you for research articles. In total, this was about 1 inch of paper. I will put the articles that you are to read at the beginning and then after the ***, you can simply download and keep the remainder of the information to have for the future.
Right mouse click (ctr. click key on Mac) – Select ‘Download’ or ‘Save Linked File As’ and save the following 3 support papers to your computer:
1. Harp At San Diego Hospice and Research Forms
2. Preparing for the Dying Process
4. Dissolving the Elements – Lama Dawa
7. Common Grief Reactions and Needs
8. Acceptance of Complimentary Therapies
10. Suggestions for Music for Relaxation
11. Suggestions for Music for Well-Being
12. Bibliography of Music for Palliative Care – 1
13. Bibliography of Music for Palliative Care – 2
14. Bibliography of Music for Palliative Care – 3
For your homework assignment, please read the following Harp Therapy Manual – Cradle of Sound pages:
Pages 288-336
Pages 406-422
Pages 485-490
5. Our fourth Muse, Melpomene, initially the Muse of Singing, she then became the muse of tragedy, despite her joyous singing, for which she is best known.
Her name was derived from the Greek verb melpô or melpomai meaning “to celebrate with dance and song.” She is often represented with a tragic mask and wearing the cothurnus, boots traditionally worn by tragic actors. Often, she also holds a knife or club in one hand and the tragic mask in the other. On her head she is shown wearing a crown of cypress. Melpomene is the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
In Roman and Greek poetry, it was traditional to invoke the goddess Melpomene so that one might create beautiful lyrical phrases.
I chose Melpomene for this month lesson because we are focusing on hospice. We will often come in contact with people who are experiencing the biggest tragedies in their lives. If we can embrace the powers of Melpomene with beautiful singing and lyre playing, then perhaps her presence will comfort those with whom we come in contact with during these tender times in their lives.
6. Our presenter: Richard Groves
Richard Groves is the co-founder with his wife, Mary, and Executive Director of the Sacred Art of Living Center, a 501c3 not-for-profit educational organization in Bend, Oregon. He is eminently qualified to head the faculty for the Sacred Art of Living and Dying series as the program author which is the fruit of his many years of experience as Executive Director and Director of Spiritual Caregiving at Hospice of Bend in Oregon. Richard has earned four Masters’ degrees in theology, world religions, bio-ethics and law. Research for his doctoral thesis focused on diagnosing and addressing spiritual pain from a variety of cultural and psycho-spiritual perspectives. An ordained Catholic priest for 15 years, Richard also served as chaplain in the Oregon Correctional System and as assistant chaplain in the US Air Force. He is a popular keynote speaker and workshop presenter whose work has been acclaimed for its clinical applicability that also speaks to the heart and soul of end-of-life issues. Richard is co-author of The American Book of Living & Dying: Lessons in Healing Spiritual Pain. He is also the creator of The Anamcara Project, the first international training program of its kind for health care professionals, faith community leaders and the general public in the Sacred Art of Living and Dying.Author of 23 books, he has lectured in over 25 countries including South Africa, Brazil, Poland, Ireland, India, Israel, and Japan. He has recently keynoted conferences for the American Music Research Center, The Symposium on Healthcare Design, Yale University, The Royal Dublin Society, The Society for Arts in Healthcare and The International Teachers Associations in Japan and South America. He serves on several national boards including Dallas ARTS for People and the American Music Research Center at the University of Colorado. In 2006, he was honored as “Signature Sinfonian” with the Award for Outstanding Service to Music and Education from Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity. He has also been awarded “Director Emeritus” of the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra and now provides the pre-concert lecture series and directs the SuperListening™ Club.
Please refer to this PDF while listening to his call.
PDF – Assessing Spiritual Health
Richard Groves CONFERENCE CALL – Jan/2012:
Part 1 Richard Groves Conference Call – Groves-01 (35 minutes)
Part 2 Richard Groves Conference Call – Groves-02 (26 minutes)
Part 3 Richard Groves Conference Call – Groves-03 (29 minutes)
Part 4 Richard Groves Conference Call – Groves-04 (17 minutes)
NOTE: PC users you can download the above files to your computer by holding down the right mouse button over the links and selecting from the download/save options.
Mac users hold down the control key or right mouse button (if you have one).
Please click the links below to learn more about the Sacred Art of Living & Dying programs. (You do not need to print out the information)
An Introduction to the Sacred Art of Living & Dying
Unit I: Understanding Spiritual Pain
Unit II: Diagnosing Spiritual Pain
Unit III: Healing Spiritual Pain
Unit IV: Transforming Spiritual Pain
Please click links below to learn more about the Anamcara Project. (You do not need to print out the information)
The Anamcara Project
History of the Anamcara
The Modern Anamcara
Four Spiritual Foundations For Anamcara
Becoming an Anamcara
Fionntulach, who you were introduced to in the Don Campbell lectures, and I, have taught the Anam Cara Project with Richard. She is The abbess or main teacher – called the “Anam Chara” – of the Céile Dé. The Ceili De Community is located in Kippen, Scotland. Since 2003, she has also been head of the Order. The Celtic Spiritual tradition has been her life for almost thirty years. Click on the Ceile De link to find out more about this remarkable community and the ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. An Ceile De
There are a few segments to the streamed videos by Richard. For quite a few years now I have worked with him teaching the music program for the Sacred Art of Living and Dying programs. Enjoy this introduction to his work.
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Part 1 of 3 | Part 2 of 3 | Part 3 of 3 (to come) |
4. Our music development for this month focuses on the Locrian mode. The Locrian mode starts on the seventh degree of our given key of music. ( i.e. Key of C, Locrian starts on B; Key of F, Locrian starts on E; Key of A, Locrian starts on G#; Key of Bb, Locrian starts of A etc.) Locrian is a minor mode and it has a suspended, unfinished, anticipation feeling to it. Because there is not much music for the Locrian mode in our culture, and because it is quite foreign to our ears, in our IHTP program we anchor it to the Aeolian in the left hand thus, not quite staying true to the Locrian but it creates the spacious feeling. We keep this very sparse, utilizing the Locrian during times with the voice to create that place of holding, releasing and sometimes rocking between only two sounds. Please work on the Sakura (in the Creative Harping SUPPORT papers) then segue into a very sparse improvisation.
Remember these tips: Play expressively as you start ‘HEARING’ your main note – which is B against the A bass (in the key of C) and keep it very sparse – learning to play with great spaces of silence.
By January 20th, try to aim to have your Locrian mode uploaded under MUSIC DOWNLOADS on your USER ACCOUNT or transferred through email or other means accepted by your mentor. Your mentor will evaluate your recording and send you your evaluation for your Portfolio. If you get behind, don’t despair, we are just trying to keep you on target so you can finish the program in a timely manner.
The Locrian mode works well for the air element so do have the Sakura under your finger tips. When we get to the Celtic Circle of music, you will have a better understanding how to match the Locrian mode to a person’s resonance.
7. Keynote speaker – Deborah Noland, R.N.
Deborah Noland graduated with an Associates’ Degree in Nursing from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of Northern Colorado. Between those two degrees, she completed 2 1/2 years towards a music performance degree at UNC. She was Principal Flute with the Greeley Chamber Orchestra in Greeley, Colorado for 20 years while also working full time as a Registered Nurse at North Colorado Medical Center in the ER, ICU and Occupational Health. Throughout her years working in a mid-sized community hospital, she had a strong affinity toward complementary healing modalities. She took classes in Healing Touch, Reiki as well as being a student of the International Harp Therapy program. She currently works at San Diego Hospice and the Institute for Palliative Medicine in their Inpatient Care Center (ICC) as an RN. She has the opportunity to observe, on a daily basis, the positive effects of integrative medicine since patients in the ICC receive both traditional medical interventions alongside Aroma Therapy, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy and Harp Therapy. On her “off” time, she enjoys music, reading, vegetarian cooking, sewing, miniatures (she’s working on a 9-room dollhouse), and exploring San Diego.
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Part 1 of 4 | Part 2 of 4 | Part 3 of 4 |
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Part 4 of 4 |
by Kenneth L. Koch and Robert M. Stern ISBN #0-19-514788-X 2004, Oxford University Press.
I would like to draw your attention to differences between what Deborah Nolan says regarding infection control in one of her films and requirements in Australia. In Australia, there are standard precautions, used in all care situations, and additional precautions. Excretions are included under standard precautions in Australia. I have pasted in a web site below.
While it would not be likely for a harp practitioner to have contact with excretions, strange things can happen.
Could I suggest that international students be asked to check with the health department in their country for infection control guidelines?
9. If you have questions, please use our CONTACT FORM to be in touch and we will assist you.
As you watch the videos, please type in questions that you might have in our Comment/Question form below.
Here is a video clip of what your Creative Harping DVD 3-4 minute music submissions simply need to be.
Christina demonstrates short submissions of beginner improvisations for the Dorian, Aeolian, Mixolydian, Locrian and Ionian modes utilizing varied left hand patterns.
Here is the video clip of the portfolio items again.
Here is a list of things that go in the Portfolio:
- Book Reports
- The three papers (due on Feb. 1, June 1 and by 6 weeks after your ESM)
- Your Quizzes
- Your Creative Harping DVD Evaluations
- Your Internship Information: Proposal, Supervisor Information, Personal Evaluation, Supervisor Evaluation, Supervisor Checklists, Journal Case Study Entries, Time Log,
- Signed Code of Ethics Statement
- Additional certificates, pictures, news articles and any information that you feel will be of interest for a potential employer to know about you.
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Here are the recent recordings of the December Conference Calls (group 1 and 2). They are both extremely interesting. Perhaps the Group 1 call was one of the most interesting calls you will hear with pertinent questions and the Group 2 call features Jeff Volk.
Please take time to listen to Jeff Volk’s latest discussion and to also contact me about your preference for the ESM.
Group 1 (European Call) Very insightful – please listen
Group 2 Discussion on Cymatics with Jeff Volk
and here is another conference call with Jeff Volk from the year before in case you are hungry for more info on Cymatics
And don’t forget to chat with your classmates on the FORUM!
Group 1 Conference Call 01/14/15
Group 2 Conference Call 01/13/15 (01/14 for AU and ASIA)
For an OVERVIEW of you assignments, here is a checklist:
1. Download and read the PDF’s indicated papers, save others in bibliography file – since there are lots
2. Watch the Richard Groves Interview
3. Read pages the in the Cradle of Sound – Harp Therapy Manual
4. Watch the Hospital Etiquette Video with Deborah Noland
5. Watch the Hospice Video with Linda Stratton
6. Fill out your quiz and send it to your mentor by January 20th.
7. Music Development: Work on the Locrian piece: Sakura -Air Element and have it lead into a very sparse improvisation. For more advanced harp player, think like a sensitive beginner!
8. Continue working on your music categories. Remember, it is just a melody line with the right hand that you need to focus on. International students – you may want to substitute folks songs instead of patriotic and country western as these two categories are more American oriented.
9. For anyone interested in more information about Fionn Tulach’s path of the Ceile De – please go to: http://www.ceilede.co.uk/
10. Watch the videos on Music Submissions and Contents of your Portfolio.
Until January!