
March 2015


Euterpe, from the Greek culture, is one of the nine Muses of Apollo. Her name means “rejoicing well” or “delight”. She was born from Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, along with her other eight sisters. Euterpe is the Muse of music and lyric poetry. She is also the Muse of joy and pleasure and of flute playing and was thought to have invented the double flute, which is her attribute. The Muse of lyric poetry has her origin in water. The ancients believed that water talked as it flowed, so this goddess is endowed with the gift of prophecy. A prophet is also a poet and can inspire others to unlock the secret desires of their heart.

Musings: Deep in thought; contemplative, rumination, reflexion, pondering, study, “an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections” (James Atlas).

Statue of Euterpe in Pottsdam, Germany

Our call in dates are:

Tuesday  – March 10


Group 1 –  Cancelled – please listen to Group 2 recording when posted

Tuesday  – March 10
Group 2

2 pm – Hawaii
5 pm – Pacific (AZ)
6 pm – Mountain
7 pm – Central
8 pm – Eastern
9 pm – Canada Atlantic
9 pm – Argentina
9:30 pm – Newfoundland

Hong Kong   8 am Wednesday morning March 11
Japan  9 am Wednesday morning March 11
Tazmania   11 am Wednesday March 11
Victoria   11 Wednesday March 11

If in doubt of your time – please check your area at:
I call from Pacific time zone  Group 1 at 11 a.m.   Group 2 at 5 p.m.


1.  Our seventh Muse, Euterpe, is the muse of music and lyric poetry.

I chose Euterpe for this month lesson because we can see how music and familiar verse can help in aiding the memory of those with Alzheimer’s Disease. I also liked the analogy of the muse of the water – that the water speaks. That she becomes the muse of prophecy and the poet is able to unlock the secret desires of the heart. When we work with patients with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, music, like water, can speak and unlock those deep wells of memory.

We will be looking at various populations of people that we serve with harp therapy. Very common places that our graduates work in addition to hospice are: nursing homes, assisted living homes, retirement communities, with people with Alzheimer’s Disease.  Many of our students come to use with training in psychiatric care, rehabilitation work, chaplaincy, counseling and as graduates of music therapy looking to see how they can use the harp as a therapeutic tool in their own professions.

We will also be looking at how music therapists work with people with Autism and Cerebral Palsy. Normally you won’t be in this circumstance but every once in awhile, you may come upon situations where understanding some basic things will be of great benefit to you and the patient/client.

I am also sharing some of my work in music therapy that I did under the tutelage of Barbara Crowe, Arizona State Univeristy and Suzanne Hanzer, Chair of the Music Therapy Dept. at the Berklee School of Music in Boston. It was an amazing educational journey where I learned so much. I only wish I had so much more time with you to try to cover much more information. I highly recommend that you become a member of the American Music Therapy Association – click here for AMTA.  The tide is changing to create communication between all the modalities as you saw in last month’s conference calls. If you can ever attend a Regional or National Music Therapy Conference, you will come away with loads of information and inspiration.

This month we will talk about the following populations:  Alzheimer’s Disease, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Special Needs. In April we will continue with more populations which we serve.

We welcome back Barbara Crowe this month.  She is indeed one busy woman teaching at Arizona State University. For the past decade she has taken the time and interest to help train the students of the International Harp Therapy Program. The first set of video streams is her lecture on Sound and Acoustics.  I’m sure after you have viewed the clips, you will come to appreciate the complexity of your ears and the ability to hear ever so much more!

Before you start the streams, please download the QUIZ. I have put it in two forms – a .doc file and a .pdf file. You can likely use the .doc file and add to it, whereas if you use the .pdf file, you will need to copy it into your own format. (Mentors – you will find your Questions/Answers under the Mentor’s Form file.)

Quiz for March Lesson .doc format

Quiz for March Lesson .pdf format

The answers will be found within the location guidance of the questions.  This Quiz is due to your mentor on March 19th. On the 20th,  your mentor will check your USER account to see if your work is there.

We have also provided you with Barbara’s conference call from last year. (See below).

Here are the PDF downloads for this month. You will need the first papers printed out to follow Barb’s lecture. And then I have put many PDFs that you can add to your electronic file for future reference.

Right mouse click (ctr. click key on Mac) – Select ‘Download’ or ‘Save Linked File As’ and save the support papers listed below.

For your homework assignment, please read the following Harp Therapy Manual – Cradle of Sound pages:

Pages 73-88, 369-400

The following PDFs are to be printed out:

Sound and Acoustics – Support Papers for Barbara Crowe’s Video Streams

Fact Sheet – Alzheimers

Fact Sheet – Autism

Fact Sheet – Orthopedic Disabilities

Use Of Songs in Music Therapy – Barbara Crowe

MUS 361 Christina Tourin Music Therapy Course Work for B.Crowe

Please read this paper in it’s entirety. You will find an outline for a St. Patrick’s Day presentation to nursing/assisted living homes/retirement communities. It can also be done in rehab. The outline is the type of documentation that a music therapist would do before going into a session and you will find it very helpful to organize your sessions so that they are varied and exciting for the listener. Enjoy.

As a student of the International Harp Therapy Program, you are required to include two session plans for nursing/senior homes. You can base these on holiday themes if you would like. The outline should show what songs you will play and how you will present for 45 minutes.  You may create powerpoints and put them on discs, karaoke backup tracks for a song you might want to play, poetry, stories, pictures, and activities. Graduate Carla Whiteley has created 20 binders and when she goes off to the residence home, she grabs a folder and has everything all organized to carry off an amazing interactive experience for the residents. These two session plans are to appear in your portfolio. One recent graduate just did a lovely presentation on Birds – with poetry, songs, harp music and visuals.

The following articles can be put in your electronic file for future research but I recommend reading the first article by Raphael Weisman.

Article – Don’t Stop Playing by Raphael Weisman

Healing Harmonics: Performance can facilitate health – Montello

The Effects of Harp Music in Vascular and Thoracic Surgical Patients – Aragon

The following bibliographies will be of great benefit in your discussions, presentations and your own research. They include how music is used with various topics such as childbirth, neonatal preemies, psycholphysiologic responses of mechanically ventilated patients, effect of music on heart rate and blood pressure in cardiac surgical patients, the sedative and analgesic sparing effect of music, preoperative anxiety, music increases serum melatonin levels in patients with Alzheimer’s, music intervention on anxiety, music reduces sedative requirements during spinal anesthesia, music for anxiety in patients receiving radiation therapy, lullabies as distractions for child immunizations, outcomes of music during general anethesia, music to reduce post surgical pain, cultural differences in music chosen for pain relief, music for pain and anxiety management in burn treatment, music therapy for ICU patients, and music to help an ICU nurse cope with stress.

Therapeutic Music Research 1

Therapeutic Music Research 2

Therapeutic Music Research 3

3.  Keynote speaker: Barbara Crowe

Barbara Crowe – Director, Music Therapy Dept. Arizona State University

We heard from Barbara Crowe on our recent Conference call.  Just to recap her credentials, she has been Director of Music Therapy at Arizona State University since 1981 having held a similar position at Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne from 1977-1981. She holds a Bachelor’s degree (1973) and Master¹s degree (1977) in music therapy from Michigan State University and completed her clinical internship at Ypsilanti State Hospital in Michigan. Her clinical experience in music therapy includes work with emotionally disturbed adolescents at the University of Michigan Neuropsychiatric Institute, trainiably mentally retarded adolescents at the Beekman School in Lansing, Michigan, and as a consultant in music therapy in geriatric care in Fort Wayne, Indiana and Phoenix, Arizona. Professor Crowe’s research interests include the historical antecedents of modern music therapy and the theoretical foundations of music therapy practice.

Her book, “Music a Soulmaking: Toward a New Theory and Philosophy of Music Therapy” is published shortly by Scarecrow Press.

Barbara Crowe has been active in the National Association for Music Therapy and the current American Music Therapy Association. She is a past Vice President and President of the National Association for Music. She chaired the Commission on Education and Clinical Training and co-authored the new Standards of Education and Training for the American Association for Music Therapy.

I found that when I studied music therapy I gained a tremendous amount of insights that I actually use within therapeutic harp practice.  I have attached my term paper for one of the courses that I took for Barb. There is much information in there that will be of benefit for you along with a solid outline for providing a St. Patrick’s Day presentation in a nursing home, assisted living or Alzheimer’s home.  In the Quiz, you will find that there are questions pertaining to the term paper.

Sound and Acoustics

Barbara Crowe
PART 1 of 10 PART 2 of 10 PART 3 of 10
PART 4 of 10 PART 5 of 10 PART 6 of 10
PART 7 of 10 PART 8 of 10 PART 9 of 10
PART 10 of 10

4. Over these two months, we are going to take a look at various populations of people with whom we will be working and serving.  We begin with patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. This is one of the areas that therapeutic harp practitioners engage quite often so it is important to understand what is happening to the people with whom we are interacting. (Your Quiz questions will fall in sequence with the clips)


You Tube VIDEO LINK – Naomi Feil and Gladys Wilson – Validation Therapy
This is one of those beautiful moments when Naomi has matched the rhythms of Gladys who was diagnosed with  Alzheimers in 200 and has been virtually non-verbal.  Naomi chooses to use some familiar religious music that she has been told in advance that Gladys will respond to, brings her to a place where she opens up and sings along. Naomi described that moment as “being one” with Gladys. This is the sanctity that I have been experiencing so profoundly and keeps me going in my quest to help educate as many people who can reach out to others and experience this oneness for themselves. CRT

What is Alzheimer’s?
(available also in Japanese)
How the Brain Works Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease
YouTube video on Alzheimer’s

Oliver Sacks – Musicophilia
Alzheimer’s / The Power of Music

Alzheimer’s disease
and the Power of Music
Music therapy at the Alzheimer’s
Family Day Center
The Music in Hugh: A look at
Young Onset Alzheimer’s
How to Interact with
Alzheimer’s Patients
Alzheimer’s Caregivers: Using
To Connect and Heal
Taking action against Alzheimer’s:
Music Therapy
Assisted Living Home
with Christina Tourin and Harps
Here are some video streams regarding Autism
What is Autism? A video essay
with love
Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy 1 Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy 2
Christina Tourin working with harp
and children with autism
The Nordoff-Robbins form of Music Therapy was developed in the UK and then came to the USA. This program  is representative of the humanistic rather than behavioralist module of Music Therapy and carries many of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophies.
If you have not seen the movie about Temple Granden, I highly recommend that you see this movie.  Now, the long-awaited DVD of the movie has been released and is shipping out all over the globe!
Temple’s latest book The Way I See It encompasses her ideas about dealing with autism. To learn more about Temple Grandin, please visit Ingenious Minds WebsiteTEMPLE GRANDIN MOVIE WINS 7 EMMY AWARDS!!
Here are some clips of my sessions with my grand nephew, Jordan who has Cerebral Palsy. Over the 6 sessions thus far, you can see how I aimed to build rapport with the instrument, to the point of getting the harp into a playable position. We have been incorporating his twin brother in the process so that he sees how supportive he can be without being jealous of his brother. This is an on-going relationship with Jordan and in the future, you can see the clips on YouTube under Harp and Music Therapy – Christina Tourin.
Harp & Music Therapy 1 – Jordan Harp & Music Therapy 2 – Jordan Harp & Music Therapy 3 – Jordan
Harp & Music Therapy 4 – Jordan Harp & Music Therapy 5 – Jordan Harp & Music Therapy 6 – Jordan
Harp Music with Young Adults with Special Needs
Christina Tourin with Orla Busteed
in Ireland – Special Needs
4.Our music development for this month focuses on the Angel mode (pentatonic).

To create the “Angel” Mode for harps tuned in the Key of C with all the levers down, raise the B and E levers.

To create the “Angel” Mode for harps tuned in the Key of F, put all the levers down, then raise the E and A levers.

To create the “Angel” Mode for harps tuned in the Key of Bb, put all the levers down, then raise the A and D levers.

To create the “Angel” Mode for harps tuned in the Key of Eb, put all the levers down then raise the D and G levers.

If you are working with a Sharpsicle, raise the C and F levers and tune the harp in the key of C with the levers engaged. You can use the harp either to play in the key of C or you can put down the C and F levers creating a pentatonic tuning. If you have a sharpsicle for the patient/client, then you can play along on another harp, piano, guitar in the key of G. The patient can play glissandos or any combination of strings while you are playing and it will fit together.

Practice playing the pentatonic tunes backwards. This means that you will be holding the harp as if there is a patient in front of you. Practice a couple of these tunes so that when you come to the ESM, you can effectively work with your partner (patient) and play the harp backwards.  Here is an image to help you along in playing the Angel Mode backwards!

CLICK HERE to watch Instructional Guidelines for the Angel Mode Submission

Here is a video clip of what your Creative Harping DVD 3-4 minute music submissions simply need to be.

Christina demonstrates short submissions of beginner improvisations for the Dorian, Aeolian, Mixolydian, Locrian and Ionian modes utilizing varied left hand patterns.

Here is the video clip of the portfolio items again.

Here is a past Conference Call with Barbara Crowe

Part 1  Barbara Crowe (25 minutes) March-Barbara-Crowe-Part-1

Part 2  Barbara Crowe (16 minutes) March-Barbara-Crowe-Part-2

Part 3  Barbara Crowe (15 minutes) March-Barbara-Crowe-Part-3

Part 4  Barbara Crowe (10 minutes) March-Barbara-Crowe-Part-4

Part 5  Barbara Crowe (24 minutes) March-Barbara-Crowe-Part-5

Part 6  Barbara Crowe (to come)

5. If you have questions, please use our CONTACT FORM to be in touch and we will assist you. Remember to always look at the Troubleshooting FAQ’s under the Main Menu on the top of this site.  They are under STUDENTS.

6. As you watch the videos, please type in questions that you might have in our Comment/Question form below.

Here are things to keep in mind for your next paper due on June 15th, 2015:

1. Please review the Death and Dying Process, the Grieving process, and anything new that you didn’t know before (Richard Groves)
2. Hospital Procedures – about reading machines and medications (Deborah Noland)
3. A look at Music Therapy – and the various topics on Music Thanatology, Therapeutic Music, – please state the differences so that you know explicitly how to correct people when they call you a music therapist. Know what the other programs scope of practices are.
4. Using Harp with Special Needs – list the groups you might be interested in and some of the things that you learned to do and not to do.
5. Sound and Acoustics – you’ll want to give a brief overview and certainly how Barbara Crowe’s chaos theory may play into all of this. Incidentially, she says you only need to report on Chapters 1 and 2 and the last chapter of her book – Music and Soulmaking.  – (Barbara Crowe)
6. As you prepare to go into your ESM, what have you learned to carry in your tool bag up to this point?

As you watch the videos, please type in questions that you might have in our Comment/Question form below.

And don’t forget to chat with your classmates!  FORUM HERE

Until March!


















MAY I SUGGEST AN HONOR CODE? In the International Harp Therapy Program we will be sharing a wide spectrum of information, some of which will be new research and other information might come from the personal lives of many of you in the program. I would like to ask that we maintain an honor code in which we do not email any of the pages, lessons, recordings or DVDs to any personal friends or associates. This is copyrighted material and disseminating the material is a breech of integrity and law. Thank you. CRT

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