
April 2015

Thalia, “the joyous, the flourishing”,  was the muse presided over comedy and idyllic poetry. In this context, her name means “flourishing,” because the praises in her songs flourish through time.She was the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the eighth-born of the nine Muses.

Musings: Deep in thought; contemplative, rumination, reflexion, pondering, study, “an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections” (James Atlas).Our call in dates are:

Our call in dates are:


Group 1 and 2- Tuesday – April 14

 Here is the link to the Time Converter:

You will receive a notice 24 hours prior to your call and also 2 hours prior to the call. You will also have the option to check the time with the notice from the Conference call center when you receive those notices.  Your pin number and telephone number will be on those announcements.

  • This call is an important one to try to be on. We will be discussing the Internships.


1.  Our eighth Muse, Thalia, (THALEIA) was one of the nine Muses, the goddesses of music, song and dance. Her name was derived from the Greek word thaleia, meaning “rich festivity” or “blooming.” In Classical times–when the Mousai were assigned specific artistic and literary spheres–Thaleia was named Muse of comedy and bucolic poetry. In this guise she was portrayed with the attributes of comic mask, shepherd’s staff and wreath of ivy.

I chose Thalia for this month lesson because it seemed a good time to lighten up while learning how to give presentations, learning how to market ourselves and to write grants.   We are on our eighth lesson with only one more lesson to go.

We will continue looking at various populations of people that we serve with harp therapy.  In addition, we are going to take a look at how to market and give a presentation.

Here are the PDF downloads for this month. You will need the first papers printed out.  Then I have put some PDFs that you can add to your electronic file for future reference.


For your homework assignment, please read the following Harp Therapy Manual – Cradle of Sound pages:

Pages 401-492 – Harp Therapy with various populations

Pages 493-532 – Marketing, Promoting Harp Therapy, Starting a Hospital-Based Program

There is no QUIZ this month. This is a time to read and study these materials and be catching up on the past lessons and Creative Harping DVDs.

The following PDFs are to be printed out:

Notes for Giving a Presentation

Harp Therapy Endowment Proposal

Marketing Actions and Options

IHTP Independent Study Info and Forms for your Internship.pdf


The following articles can be put in your electronic file for future research – or in this case, grant writing.

Grant Writing




Various Interesting YouTube Clips

Blind Baby Music Therapy Blind Harpist in Peru Neo-Natal – Aileen Kelley
Music Therapy and Cancer 1 Music Therapy and Cancer 2 Music Therapy and Cancer 3
Parkinson’s 1 Parkinson’s 2 Harp music
may have healing benefits
Music and Pets 1 Music and Pets 2 Music and Pets 3

4. In the following video clip, you will see a simplified music submission on the Middle Eastern Mode. Try to keep on track and submit your recordings as you can. (Click image only once)

Some tips about the Middle Eastern Mode:

To create the Middle Eastern  Mode for harps tuned in the Key of C with all the levers down, raise the D and F levers. The chords you want to focus on are: B, E, A

To create the Middle Eastern  Mode for harps tuned in the Key of F, leave the B lever up, then raise the G. The chords you want to focus on are: E, A, D

To create the Middle Eastern Mode for harps tuned in the Key of Bb, put Bb the lever down and leave the Eb in place, then raise the C lever. The chords you want to focus on are: A, D, G

To create the Middle Eastern Mode for harps tuned in the Key of Eb, put all the levers down then raise the F and A levers. The chords you want to focus on are:  D, G, C


I’m going to leave up the Angel Mode Video in case you haven’t completed the “Angel” Mode.

CLICK HERE for the video clip

Video of Music Submissions. (Click image only once)

Preparing for your Portfolio.  Please watch this video clip on what we are looking for on your 33 tunes. (Click image only once)


5. If you have questions, please use our CONTACT FORM to be in touch and we will assist you. Remember to always look at the Troubleshooting FAQ’s link on your STUDENT WELCOME page.

As you watch the videos, please type in questions that you might have in our Comment/Question form below.

APRIL CONFERENCE CALLS (from past year):

Part 1  Internship-01 (16 minutes) AprilCallDiscussion1

Part 2  Internship-02(18 minutes) AprilCallDiscussion2

Part 3  Internship-03 (15 minutes) AprilCallDiscussion3

Part 4  Internship-04 (12 minutes) AprilCallDiscussion4

Here are the papers for the ESM. Some of you have just taken the ESM and others will be taking it later. There are  handy guides for finding what to play when you find the resonant tone.

Resonant Tone-Keys for Resonant Tone page 1 You might want to take this Resonant tone chart and reduce it and put it on a small card stock for easy reference.

6. As you watch the videos, please type in questions that you might have in our Comment/Question form below.

Here are things to keep in mind for your next paper due on June 15th, 2015:

1. Please review the Death and Dying Process, the Grieving process, and anything new that you didn’t know before (Richard Groves)
2. Hospital Procedures – about reading machines and medications (Deborah Noland)
3. A look at Music Therapy – and the various topics on Music Thanatology, Therapeutic Music, – please state the differences so that you know explicitly how to correct people when they call you a music therapist. Know what the other programs scope of practices are.
4. Using Harp with Special Needs – list the groups you might be interested in and some of the things that you learned to do and not to do.
5. Sound and Acoustics – you’ll want to give a brief overview and certainly how Barbara Crowe’s chaos theory may play into all of this. Incidentially, she says you only need to report on Chapters 1 and 2 and the last chapter of her book – Music and Soulmaking.  – (Barbara Crowe)
6. As you prepare to go into your ESM, what have you learned to carry in your tool bag up to this point?

As you watch the videos, please type in questions that you might have in our Comment/Question form below.


And don’t forget to chat with your classmates!  FORUM HERE


Until April!

MAY I SUGGEST AN HONOR CODE? In the International Harp Therapy Program we will be sharing a wide spectrum of information, some of which will be new research and other information might come from the personal lives of many of you in the program. I would like to ask that we maintain an honor code in which we do not email any of the pages, lessons, recordings or DVDs to any personal friends or associates. This is copyrighted material and disseminating the material is a breech of integrity and law. Thank you. CRT

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