

Welcome to the International Harp Therapy program!

Discover the world of therapeutic music with the harp!

Imagine carrying your harp into a patient room. The corridor is filled with noise and activity, and the patient is restless and shows anxiety. As you play for this person whom you have just met, her breath becomes deeper and slower. The furrowed brow begins to release. And then you notice that the hallway is no longer noisy and chaotic. You have changed the environment for the patient, visitors and staff.

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Through the training of the International Harp Therapy Program (IHTP) you will have the skills and ability to enter into many different settings and situations with confidence, knowing that your music is of great value and benefit, and that you can respond appropriately to anything that arises.

The IHTP is a premier program that has been offering training for  30 years. In the past several years, IHTP has established its global Affiliate Partner Programs with training available in the United States, Netherlands, Europe, Australia, and Hong Kong. These affiliate programs are available to you to complete your course or as an exciting destination for retreats and continuing education credits. As they carry forth the work of Christina, she will continue to be available for teaching.

Our Training dates and our new Student Handbook are available within our Affiliate Program websites.


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HandPositionsIHTP focuses only on harp, so you will work with accomplished harpists to develop your skills on the instrument. This includes learning how to improvise, work with modes, and useful repertoire for many situations or ethnic and religious backgrounds. You will learn how to work intuitively with patients and clients, weaving familiar songs together with unfamiliar music and improvisations. Music theory is also taught, as is information about the physics of sound.

Training also covers many areas that are not directly related to music, but necessary for working in the healthcare field. These include clinical protocols, healthcare basics, professional behavior, and deepening perceptual awareness of self and others. Training also features self-care segments and business basics to help you get started professionally.

You will learn how to find and use a patient’s resonant tone, how to create an interactive music program for senior center residents,  youth center attendees, children with special needs, and so much more!


Melanie with patientThe International Harp Therapy Program
30 years of Excellence!


Harp Practitioners from 32 countries are now serving on 5 continents!

Are you ready for the next step? Christina offers 2 FREE webinar lessons where you will learn:

2 modal healing pieces of music

Basic harp technique

Left hand patterns for improvisation

If you enjoy the webinars, you may choose to continue with lessons #2-#10 for a small fee or enroll in Christina’s live tutorials.  The next starting date will be January 2023. This is a great time to get started on the FREE lessons.

Please sign me in for the free webinar lessons and more information! 

Please sign me in for the free webinar lessons and more information!

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We understand that many people are not able to travel for their training. We have options for you. Our Modules are being offered both on-line and a one time attendance week in various parts of the country/world.  For those traveling, you may choose to attend or take on-line the trainings in the USA, Netherlands, UK, Italy, Australia, and Hong Kong.


We look forward to having your join our IHTP family!

About Christina Tourin and her work

Christina is a music therapist having studied under the tutelage of Barbara Crowe at Arizona State University. Her main focus is CONVERGENCE – bringing together all those who use music, sound and the arts for enrichment and well-being.

Author of the respected and comprehensive book Cradle of Sound: A Harp Therapy Manual, is a second generation harpist, who began playing harp at the age of four.
She is the founder and director of the International Harp Therapy Program.

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