November 2014
Erato – Muse of ‘Love’ – muse of lyric poetry
Musings: Deep in thought; contemplative, rumination, reflexion, pondering, study, “an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections” (James Atlas). |
Welcome to our third muse.
Our call in dates are: Times for Nov. 20th
- Thursday November 20 Group 1 is the call that originates in California at 11 a.m. This is the replacement call that did not go through on Nov. 11th. I will test my skype connection in the UK the night before from the Brighton Hotel and let you know if we are able to aim for the following night.
Group 1 – Times: - 9 am Hawaii
11 am Pacific Time
12 noon – Mountain Time (inc. AZ)
1 pm – Central Time
2 pm – Eastern Time
3 pm Canada Atlantic
3:30 pm Newfoundland
7 pm Ireland/UK/Portugal
8 pm NL/France/Italy/Denmark/Norway/Germany - Group 2 Nov. 20th – Thursday. (I will be dialing in from the UK with Bambi Niles as my back up. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Richard McQuellon).
3 pm – Hawaii
5 pm – Pacific
6 pm – Mountain (inc. AZ)
7 pm – Central
8 pm – Eastern
9 pm – Canada Atlantic
9 pm – Argentina
9:30 pm – Newfoundland - Please check these times with the to confirm the time for these countries
Hong Kong 9 am Friday morning Nov. 21
Japan 10 am Friday morning Nov. 21
Tazmania 12 noon Friday Nov. 21
Victoria 12 noon Friday Nov. 21
Right mouse click (ctr. click key on Mac) – Select ‘Download’ or ‘Save Linked File As’ and save the following 3 support papers to your computer:
Alexander Technique Support Papers
IHTP Book Report Submission [Compatibility Mode]
If you have already completed book reports and have not followed these guidelines – do not worry – you do not need to redo the reports. We have been receiving book reports without the person’s name on it so decided that I would offer some guidelines to help you with the reports. Please follow these guidelines in the future. CRT
Use this above guide along with the video streams below.
For your homework assignments, please read the following Harp Therapy Manual – Cradle of Sound pages:
Pages 149-165
Pages 338-347
2. Our third Muse, Erato, The name means “desired” or “lovely“, and derives from the same root as Eros. Erato is the muse of lyric poetry, especially love and erotic poetry. She is often shown with a wreath of myrtle and roses, holding a lyre, or a small kithara, a musical instrument that Apollo or she herself invented. In some representations, two turtle-doves are eating seeds at her feet. Other representations may show her holdin a golden arrow, reminding one of the “eros”, the feeling that she inspires in everybody, and at times she is accompanied by the god Eros, holding a torch.
I chose Erato for this month lesson because we are focusing on Empathic Listening. This is the skill that lends that loving attentive skill to listening to those around us when they are in need of reaching out to express themselves and find that loving person who so gently opens their hearts to listen to the joys and sorrows of another person.
3. Dr. Richard McQuellon is our keynote presenter this month in his series of lectures on the skill of being a good listener. He hails from North Carolina and is the Director of the Psychosocial Oncology and Cancer Patient Support Programs at Wake Forest University/Baptist Medical Center. He is a Professor in the Department of Medicine, Section of Hematology and Oncology and co author of the book: The Art of Conversation Through Serious Illness: Lessons for Caregivers. (McQuellon and Cowan, NY, Oxford U Press, 2010).
There are a few segments to the streamed videos by Dr. McQuellon. This was a day long presentation. We have listed the Sections and their times.
Dr. McQuellon has a book that is highly recommended if you are building your therapeutic harp library. You can find where to order it on the reading list. Unfortunately it is not in multiple languages as of yet. But you may find good book on Listening skills in your own language.
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PART 1 of 5 | PART 2 of 5 | PART 3 of 5 |
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PART 4 of 5 | PART 5 of 5 |
4. Our music development for this month focuses on the Aeolian mode. The Aeolian mode starts on the sixth degree of our given key of music. ( i.e. Key of C, Aeolian starts on A; Key of F, Aeolian starts on D; Key of A, Aeolian starts on F#; Key of Bb, Aeolian starts of G etc.) Aeolian is a minor mode and it has an introspective feeling. Please work on the Greensleeves, Mary Young and Faire or Little Boats (in the Creative Harping SUPPORT papers) as they are in the 6/8 time signature and will fit with the left hand chord patterns. Choose one of those pieces to record and then segue into an improvisation utilizing at least 2 different left hand patterns from your Creative Harping at home DVD study.
Remember these tips: Play expressively. As you start ‘HEARING’ your root note – which is A (in the key of C), you may now want to start listening for the other notes in that chord – the C and the E.
By November 20, you should aim to have your Aeolian mode uploaded under MUSIC DOWNLOADS on your USER ACCOUNT or transferred through email or other means accepted by your mentor. Your mentor will evaluate your recording and send you your evaluation for your Portfolio. If you get behind, don’t despair, we are just trying to keep you on target so you can finish the program in a timely manner. (Take note of what is keeping you from submitting your recording based on last month’s scripts!)
In addition to the Creative Harping #3 Aeolian Mode, (songs that are in 6/8), I’d like you to take a look at the following songs in the Illuminations book. For Beginning harp players, you can find the Harbor Cove in the Green CMW Series.
2) Harbor Cove or Tranquility (Water Element)
3) Shadow Spirit or Annwyn (Wood Element)
These do not need to be completely learned by the end of this month, however, they are songs that you will be expected to record for your exit CD. The are all in the Aeolian mode – the water element being slower and deeper than the Wood Element. The Wood element hovers between light Aeolian and Ionian modes. You only need to choose one from each of the categories.
While working on the Aeolian mode this month, this is a great time to start collecting your insights, meditations, poetry, improvised music pieces, images and keywords that are inspired by your explorations and studies on the Aeolian mode. We have had many great Dorian tunes suggested – so keep the tunes coming and I’ll add a list of great Aeolian pieces here on this monthly page.
5. Neuro Linguistic Programming
Please watch the video below entitled: NLP. Dr. Peterson provides us with valuable information on understanding where people are accessing important information. We will be discussing the many ways that NLP helps us in our interactive work with clients and patients. For International Students, you may choose to read a book on NLP in your own language. Please refer to the papers in your LESSON BUNDLE for the various exercises offered.
5. Alexander Technique Jacque Bell, Alexander Technique instructor has provided our students with valuable information on how to hold our bodies while playing and working interactively with patients. Please have about 3 inches of books availabe (a large telephone book works well) before viewing this video stream. You will be able to experience a healthy position that will lead to stress free positions while playing the harp.
6. If you have questions, please use our CONTACT FORM to be in touch and we will assist you. Remember to always look at the Troubleshooting FAQ’s under the Main Menu on the top of this site. They are under STUDENTS.
As you watch the videos, please type in questions that you might have in our Comment/Question form below. We will be having discussions regarding Empathic Listening and NLP on our next call.
We will listen to Dr. McQuellon’s Keynote address on the Nov. 20th Call. It will be recorded and posted on the Forum. There is no Group 1 call being posted as we were not able to connect.
NOTE: PC users you can download the above files to your computer by holding down the right mouse button
over the links and selecting from the download/save options.
Mac users hold down the control key or right mouse button (if you have one).
PLEASE NOTE – this is what we will be asking for in your February paper over the next 3 months.
Because of the holidays, your first Paper is due February 1, 2015. What is due in the paper?
1. We are looking for your reflections of how the TA study brought about awareness of how you operate in the world – i.e., how you have learned to obtain your power, interact with others – how your family constellation and atmosphere contributed to your development. (Section 6 Part 19 gives you questions to reflect upon for your paper. This is from the October lesson)
2. We are looking for your insights on what appears to be your main mode of interaction – be it visual, auditory or kinesthetic and if you were previously aware of it. How has this worked in your relationships. This information and materials will come from the November lesson on NLP.
3. We are looking for your comments on how empathic listening skills have helped in your dealings with people since you have become more aware of other people’s scripts. What kind of situations have you run into since this has come more to your attention. What has happened with you ‘match’ people or ‘entrain’ with people – or further – when they have ‘entrained’ with you? Again, follow your leads from the November lesson.
4. We are looking to your discoveries about cymatics and how the macrocosm of sound and vibrations give you pause to wonder about the inter-relatedness to the microcosm of our bodies. How ‘spirit’ can guide us and learning to put TRUST into action.
5. We are looking to hear about some major ah-ha’s about the above processes and how they are now affecting your music-making process. Discuss the discoveries you are making about yourself in reference to your journey on becoming a certified therapeutic harp practitioner.
The paper should be at least 3-4 typewritten pages but can be longer. This is a third of the way into the program of taking a look at how your awareness is serving you. Notice in your writings if you become apologetic – if so, look to see where that comes from, or if you have put the paper off til the very end and feel the pressure to hurry through the process. Where does that come from? Or if you feel like this is overwhelming and you are putting pressure upon yourself to try to make it perfect or worried that your mentor is going to judge you. Look to where the process of becoming aware is holding you back.
At the same time, look at the places where you have found new positive confidences – that taking the music step by step is not really hard at all. That it is all a process and it has been broken down in incremental steps for you.
Therefore, while observing these developmental steps in your awareness, be sure to include information that has been new to you. Most of all, don’t stress about this!
And don’t forget to CHAT with your classmates!
Here is a wonderful presentation from one of our graduates – this will give you lots of information!
Jayne Demakos – Ithaca, NY PRESENTATION on YouTube
As with the October lesson, we will not have quizzes this month but please make note of the exercises (Dr. McQuellon’s is an exercise rather than a quiz) in your notebook so you can incorporate the information in your paper due on February 1st. You will especially want to reflect on your main mode of operatus – auditory, visual or kinesthetic and the positive ways it serves you.
See you in November!
MAY I SUGGEST AN HONOR CODE? In the International Harp Therapy Program we will be sharing a wide spectrum of information, some of which will be new research and other information might come from the personal lives of many of you in the program. I would like to ask that we maintain an honor code in which we do not email any of the pages, lessons, recordings or DVDs to any personal friends or associates. This is copyrighted material and disseminating the material is a breech of integrity and law. Thank you. CRT